{\Huge \text {\color {lightblue} \textit {CONTEXT}}}
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Social media platforms have become central to how young adults and students, interact and socialize. There is a growing need for a platform that not only facilitates virtual connections but also promotes real-life interactions and shared experiences, aligning with the values and lifestyles of Gen Z users.
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{\Huge \text {\color {red} \textit {PROBLEM}}}
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Existing social media platforms predominantly focus on virtual interactions, leading to a lack of engagement in real-world activities and experiences. This creates a disconnect for Gen Z users who value authentic engagement, diversity of experiences, and meaningful social interactions.
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{\Huge \text {\color {magenta} \textit {OBJECTIVE}}}
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To develop a social media app specifically designed for Gen Z users that aims to bridge the gap between online and offline socializing by incentivizing real-life interactions. Primarily through rewards and partnerships with universities and businesses.
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{\Huge \text {\color {mediumpurple} \textit {PERSONA}}}
{\Huge \text {\color {darkseagreen} \textit {MARKET}}}
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{\Huge \text {\color {chocolate} \textit {MARKETING}}}
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$$ {\huge \text{\color{salmon}\textit{PROTOTYPE}}}
{\huge \text{\color{steelblue}\textit{STORE TO SCREEN}}}